Sunday, July 26, 2009

Spread It


I wanted to share with you a delightful addition to my breakfast.

I am not a sweets in the morning kind of girl, but lately I have been craving a little jam with my toast (awesome Today's Temptations Low Carb High Fiber toast-mmm). While a little processed jelly from the jar isn't going to hurt anyone, there is just such a difference in a real fruit spread. Last weekend my mother in law gave me a bit of some homemade raspberry preserves that a friend of hers made. It was so fresh and delicious. Inspired by that, yesterday I turned to the frozen berries I have on hand in my fridge for my daily fruit bowls. I took a little handful of strawberry and dark cherry slices and put them in a small ramekin with some Splenda and popped it in the microwave for a minute or two. I mashed it with a spoon, put it in the freezer for a few minutes to cool down, and then spread it on my toast for the most enjoyable fresh fruit spread ever!!!! I really didn't even need to add any Splenda at all, because the natural fruit juice is sweet enough as it is. This morning I did it again with a few frozen blueberries and blackberries and left out the Splenda. Oh mama! So fruity and fresh and divine and tons healthier for me! Please give it a whirl!

Today I prepped my fruit bowls, this week adding banana slices back in with lots of blackberries. Each week the bowls are a little different based on what I can get at a great price. Variety is key!! I've also prepped some delicious soup to freeze in containers for grab-n-go lunches. My day job office is so cold that hot soup for lunch is perfect. It warms me up and fills me up in a low cal way! Do you do Sunday food prep for your week?

One good thing about Sundays is that it's Ruby day. Do you watch Ruby on the Style Channel? It's the reality show that documents the weight loss journey of southern belle Ruby Gettinger. She started her journey at almost 500lbs (although in the past she has weighed up to 700lbs) and is now at the 350 mark. She is doing it all through diet and exercise (no surgery), and she is so charismatic and lovely. Ruby is someone you just want to be friends with and I admire her for putting herself out there for the world to see!! If you don't get the Style Channel you can watch her on Hulu:


Over the week I did well with my goal of incorporating more core work. I did three good workouts this week-two days including the addition of a full abs workout to my elliptical time and one day doing various crunches on my own after elliptical time. My goal for this week will be to continue to incorporate core work and to lengthen my workouts a bit to start burning more calories and upping my endurance!

I also got some nice news on Friday. I have a new acting gig. I will begin rehearsals in September for a fun original script with some hilarious people. It should be a great time, and I am glad my dry spell is over!


  1. That sounds delicious! congrats on the new gig too! Also, I heart Ruby. DVRed it last night and will watch it tonight!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS to you on adding in the core work. And then doing more of it after elliptical - "just because." DOesn't it feel so great when you throw in - just a little bit more - just because. Your fruit spread sounds awesome - I am going to have to do that. I love to have a PB&J every so often. Right now, that is costing me 380 calories every time I want one. It would be a little less with some natural fruit spread.

  3. That sounds a delight. I cannot wait to insert some into my mouth!

  4. Yay more motivation. I'll have to check Ruby out. I'm still plodding along. I've made it over a hump this week. I quit smoking two weeks ago (I blame starting on living in France for so long), nixed the late night eating, and I'm way more conscious of what I'm snacking on. I'm craving mushrooms... weird, huh? I'm down over 7 pounds. I'm trying to refrain from taking my measurements until friday.

  5. @Charisse: Have you ever just put a tablespoon of PB and a tablespoon of J in a little bowl and eaten it without bread? I do that sometimes. Removes a little of carbs and calories.

    @ Broke-Ass: You shall not be sorry!!!

    @ Amy: Ruby will charm you!

    @ Em: I think I eat mushrooms almost everyday. I love them!! 7lbs!! Awesome!!! Your scale needs to teach my scale something!
