Monday, July 19, 2010

Sticking My Toe Back in the Water...

....rather, my abs.  As I've mentioned I have been a bad exerciser lately. Even with the goal to wear my scandoulous bikini in November on vacation or even knowing that on Saturday I will be in a bathing suit jumping in the water for a scene of the indie film I am shooting, I just can't get fully motivated. In preperation for eventually going back to Bikram (the place was soo overrun with newbies due to Groupon, they are full to capacity and I need to wait to start-boo), I have been trying to work on stretching, and last week I did several days of Winsor Pilates Ab Scultping. Way back when, I came across this DVD in a give away bin in the building I lived in. I had totally forgotten about it until I went to pick a workout On Demand and my new cable was having issues with pulling it up. So I didn't use that as an excuse not to exercise, and I went to my DVD shelf and discovered the Winsor disc.

It seems like so long ago that Mari Winsor ignited the Pilates revolution, and it's really stuck. Here's why-Pilates is just really effective. Long ago someone let me borrow the Bun and Thigh disc from the same series, and it was wonderful. I just looked up these discs and sets and they are still retailing up there with newer stuff. What I like most about the Ab Sculpting workout is that it's challenging, but short enough that I can make it through. There is one set of movements that I have to do the modified version of (darn you teasers), so I have something to work toward.

I feel guilty and a little ashamed for falling off the exercise wagon, but the most important thing is that I picked myself up. I have been weighing myself daily and I am maintaining there, so that's great. I realized that I forgot to measure for maintenance on July 3rd, so we shall see how I am doing with that on August 3rd.

Has a busy summer schedule slowed you down exercise-wise?

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