Friday, July 8, 2011

Man Fear

This week I overcame my fear of doing a tough work out class with a male instructor. I've taken Zumba from a dude, but I feared taking a hard core class. I think deep down I was scared he would be judgmental and mean like every fifth grade boy who called me a whale or a blimp. It happened as I needed it to: I was signed up for class, in line waiting to go in and they pulled a fast and changed teachers on me. So I sucked it up and knew it was for my own good....and it was. The class is a full body workout mixing up resistance, interval, power, plyometrics, and endurance training. I  like taking classes like this against super cardio classes like boxing to make sure every area gets attention. I think that's actually the principal behind the infamous P90X program the principle of muscle confusion and not letting your body get to comfprtable with the same workouts. Perhaps I am a genius after all.

Anywho, I found that I felt challenged in a great way by having a man lead class. I knew I wasn't about to use 20lbs dumbbells in each hand like he did, but I was motivated to challenge myself with heavier weights that normal and it made feel great that I kept up. I felt pretty bad ass.

This week I have been a little slow and a little too snacky. I blame some recent agitation over the ol' career and feeling a little suffocated. I need an adventure.

Monday: Holiday
Tuesday: 3 mile walk (I had Tues off of work as well and really needed some quiet thinking time)
Wednesday: Resistance and Interval Training Class
Thursday: Off. I had no clean gym clothes and was feeling sluggish and moody and opted for a bestie chat.
Friday: Resistance Band Pilates followed by Kwando Kickboxing

I didn't plan to take class tonight, but I feel like I need it and want to get the weekend kicked off right!

1 comment:

  1. I've never done a class with a male instructor before....I think for the same reason. Really I've only ever done zumba and yoga classes but I think one of those strength training/cardio classes with a male would kill me.

    I went for a two mile walk this wknd on a trail with my friend and her big dog and the hills kicked my butt. Its great to mix things up!
